Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Throwing Shade Your Way!

Shading consists of five areas of concentration. 


  1. During this project I learned that while shading there is many areas to the shade. Dark, lighter, implied lines, reflected light, and pure light. My particular project has all of these. I also used different contrast in order to show a direct difference between the objects, table, and background. Mr. Flint you rock.

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  3. This project was a challenge for me because I am not good at drawing a composition drawing nor am I good with shading. I still had doing it all though. -Alex Kratsas

  4. This project wasnt that difficult , but it was good to practice drawning apples.

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  6. This project was cool to do on the term of core shading and light shading and combining these concepts. It was challenging at some parts but ultimately an easy project. Truly enjoyed it. -Quinton

  7. While working on this project, I found it rather important to make sure the vocabulary that went along with it was well known. The shadow, core shadow, cast shadow, and reflected light were all so important, as well as the other terms, that in order to make this project look right in any way, they all had to be placed accordingly. Worth the work.

  8. While working on this project i learned the differences between the five concentrations of shading. Actually putting them to use, and using each one where it belongs is harder than i thought it would be. Overall, the project was fun and i hope to become better at shading.
    Madison Wilson, 6th period

  9. This project taught me how to give shapes their definition by shading in their shadows. I learned how a light source is only defined by where the shadows are on an object. Although, the objects I was working with did not appear to have a cast a reflective shadow I added a light one which actually made the shapes more visible. I believe my work was somewhat acceptable but If I were to try again I would most likely do better.
    Erykah Rene' Wynn 1st period

  10. This project i leaned the diffrent types of shadows and to direct where the light was coming from. This project was easy but there was some difficulties like the refelctive light. I couldnt get it just right but besides that it was faily easy. Jade krichbaum pd 6
