Art Operative Skills Rubric

Art Operative Skills Rubric

Operative Skills are a part of your 9 week grade. You will start with 0 points and may earn up to 20 points each day, for a total of 100 points per week.  The number beside each of the following offenses subtracts from your 20 points throughout the day. Points will be deducted on and recorded on Focus.

Work Ethics
Points Earned
Being in class (3) and on time (2)
VA.912.H.3.2 Apply the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills used in art to develop creative solutions for real-life issues i.e. actively participating in all group and classroom assignments
VA.912.F3.4 Follow directions and use effective time-management skills to complete the art-making process and show development of 21st-century skills i.e. staying on task and managing time wisely.
Va.912.S.3.7 Use and maintain tools and equipment to facilitate the creative process i.e. being prepared with all necessary supplies, respect people and property.

I have read and understand the Operative Points agreement. I realize that the outcome of my grade will be a result of my positive work ethics.

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________

Parent / Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________

Date: _________________

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