The Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Logan Flint
Phone: (850) 767-4600 ext. 2155
Course Description:
  1. Students experiment with the media and techniques used to create a variety of two-dimensional (2-D) artworks through the development of skills in drawing. Students practice, sketch, and manipulate the structural elements of art to improve mark making and/or the organizational principles of design in a composition from observation, research, and/or imagination. Through the critique process, students evaluate and respond to their own work and that of their peers. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
  2. Students develop and refine technical skills and create 2-D compositions with a variety of media in drawing. Student artists sketch, manipulate, and refine the structural elements of art to improve mark-making and/or the organizational principles of design in a composition from observation, research, and/or imagination. Through the critique process, students evaluate and respond to their own work and that of their peers. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
  3. Students demonstrate proficiency in the conceptual development of content in drawing to create self-directed or collaborative 2-D artwork suitable for inclusion in a portfolio. Students produce works that show evidence of developing craftsmanship and quality in the composition. Through the critique process, students evaluate and respond to their own work and that of their peers. Through a focused investigation of traditional techniques, historical and cultural models, and individual expressive goals, students begin to develop a personal art style. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
Student Responsibilities:
  • BE ON TIME! (my class is just as important as any other subject)
  • Be prepared!  Bring any required materials for each day.  Always, ALWAYS have a pencil with you in my class.  It’s the only required thing you need every single day.
  • Turn in your work ON TIME (with name, date, class period, and project title written on the back).
  • Always do your best.  I will not tolerate art that is poor quality, poor craftsmanship, or has been rushed last minute.  It is up to YOU to put all your effort into these projects.
  • Be aware of constructive criticism.  There will be some group, written, and individual critiques.  We are here to help each other, NOT to hurt each other.  Any taunting or teasing/making fun of a peer’s work will NOT be tolerated.
Operative Skills: Please see the Operative Skills Rubric.
GRADING:  Grading will be done using the percentage system. All grades will be kept under Drawing I, II, or Honors III class in FOCUS until the end of the 9 weeks. If you need to see your grade, please refer to FOCUS throughout the 2016-2017 school year. .
Formative Grades:  Daily work is considered formative (5%).  Its purpose is to assist both students and teachers in evaluating student progress and providing information to direct instruction.  Formative work is practice, but it is essential for progress.  Without appropriate practice, students cannot expect to do well on summative assessments that test mastery.  Operative Skills will also count towards a weekly formative grade, and will be counted as one (1) Summative Grade at the end of each 9 Weeks.
Summative Grades:  Summative grades, also called “projects” etc., are intended to measure student mastery of standards (95%).  After working on skills and concepts with formative materials, a summative measurement will provide feedback on skill mastery and student achievement.  The results of summative measures also provide information for the teacher and student about deficient areas that may require additional time spent on them.  Remember, Operative Skills grade will be counted summatively per 9-week quarter.  Students will also do a formal written critique per 9-weeks based on a chosen work of art.
Standard Grading Scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D

59 and below F

Necessary Personal Equipment:       Sketchbook
                                                             2 - Sharpies (black ultra fine and fine tips)
                                                             No. 2 Pencils
                                                             X-ACTO Knife with Blade
                                                             Eraser “Click” type

Love and Live Art!

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