Monday, September 8, 2014

Open Composition

Mr. Flint
Drawing I & II


You will learn about open composition. In open compositions shapes appear to be running off the edges and sides of the picture plane. This creates the sense that the work extends beyond the edges or boundaries of the picture which allows for more active eye movement. 


  1. Apples
  2. Pencil
  3. Paper
  4. View Finder
  5. Drawing Paper
  6. Ruler
  7. a steady hand

  1. Each student will be given a sheet of drawing paper, and a ruler. 
  2. Each student will measure two 5 inch x 5 inch squares on their drawing paper.

3. Each student will be given a view finder to crop down the apples placed in the middle of the table.

4. The student will draw the apples so they extend the square of the view finder.

5. Each student will move the view finder so they will have a different perspective for their second square.

the Common Core State Standards of:

Social Studies: SS.912.H: Humanities


  1. I enjoyed it, had fun shading. I used lines and shapes that were a little complicated but I got it. The way we had to make it was simple. I enjoy simple projects. They're a lot of fun even when it's something you don't want to do

  2. During this project I used open composition by expanding my picture to the end of the boundaries given. Using a view finder to get close ups of the apples was challenging but nesciary in order for me to learn to draw what I see and not what I want. I used hard contour lines for the shapes of the apples and used different types of sharing techniques in order to give the apples depth and realism.

  3. This project was focused on the emphasis of open and closed composition. My project demonstrates open composition well while using contrasting shading styles.

  4. I am actually really proud of the result I got on my project. I shaded the apples which kinda turned my fingers grey from the graphite. Getting the shape and proportions of mty apples right was kinda tricky but once that was done it was all good. I took a picture of the way I was going to draw my apples so that way I wouldn't have to hold up the index card thing but my mom took my phone away so I couldn't view the picture which complicated things today since mr flint threw away all the apples. Over all im really happy with the result of my project. Definitely an A+ project if I do say so myself :)

  5. This project was enjoyable and fun. I had a good time with this project. During this project I had to use shading and I had a challenge with it but it was fun.

  6. To begin with,this project needed skill and effort.when doing this
    open composition project i used structural and and a desinghed format to maintain my work.The project extracise the brain to learn to use my skill to draw.This challenged my work as a beginner artist.I used the correct streagy when useing different shade to bring the light that reflected off the apples in to my drawing.I think this project was very useful.Altogether this was a great project!peace. __shawn c. Williams__

  7. I finished this one; completely, this time. And, I found it difficult trying to shade the apples. I seem to usually have problems with shading things in general. However, I did try my hardest to shade as well as I possibly can. Sorry I didn't turn it in today. But, I will have it to you by tomorrow. - Dylan Short-

  8. I really enjoyed this project. It was easier than the bottle and I like apples. I thought I did pretty good on this project. I shading and detailed very well in my mind. I loved how mine turned out.
    -Julya Lizarralde

  9. I enjoyed this first it was hard to draw them but the further I got the easier it got.

  10. This project was a little frustrating because shading something in real life with light coming in from all directions made it confusing as to how to shade. It's not like there's an obvious black and white part of the apple like you'll see on paper, either. Because of that, I felt like my project was really lacking and it just looked flat.
    Not only that, but my proportions were off so that caused my apples to look extremely distorted.

    - Andrew Alvarez

  11. At first the apples were hard to draw, but when i got to the actual project it got a lot easier. When i started my shading it started looking realistic.
    -Jasmine Deloach

  12. The apples were hard to draw about half the project. About halfway through it the project it got easier. The hardest part was drawing two different views and getting them all in the picture. The end was the easiest part, having the apples drawn and shading them was by far the easiest part for me. -Blake Cowan

  13. The shading was the easiest part for me. I have a bad wrist that happens to be my writing/drawing wrist, so I believe I did the best I could with everything. . But its my favorite thing to do so I suck it up.

  14. The only hard part about this was keeping my hand steady to keep the same perspective. Other than that, it was a really easy project that I enjoyed.
    -Tim Webb

  15. when completing this project it took a couple differnt skills to properly execute what was required of me. I use the shading tecniques i learns last year to add volume to the apples
    Kiera Butler

  16. Reflection-
    While drawing this project I used shading techniques that I learned last year. And I used shapes and lines to create the apple. Overall i enjoyed this project but, wish to see more ability to be creative.
    -Amber Loving

  17. I didn't know how to start this project at first but once I started it became pretty easy. Using the techniques and shading I was taught I was able to finish it and was happy with my work. It was an all around good project

  18. I didn't know how to start this project at first but once I started it became pretty easy. Using the techniques and shading I was taught I was able to finish it and was happy with my work. It was an all around good project -Justin King

  19. At first I had a really hard time with my apples because I couldn't get the shape right, they looked more like pears rather then apples. But once I started to take my time on them I finally got the shape right.Overall I liked the project and I think mines turned out better then I thought they would.
    -Destiny Smiley

  20. This project was pretty fun. And I liked how we used the index card so we could do two. I also like how we did two boxes so we could experiment. -Seth carpenter

  21. My apple project was pretty frustrating. I struggled with proportions but I learned about open composition and that taught me to draw on the entire page. Working on improving cross hatching now, so hopefully the next project will give me an opportunity to do that!
    -Sydney Smith 3rd

  22. The apple project was hard when I first started but once we practiced it became fairly easy. I had a hard time drawing the apple shapes but I loved doing the shading. The project was simple but hard because you had to look at it from multiple angles

  23. For this project it really taught me how to use a limited point of view and how to concentrate on the apples at hand. This also taught me the properties of open and close composition and to really see what i have to draw. Although i felt as though i could have done better with the shading and the backgrounds i have done with the project. But all and all i have very well liked this project and have used what i learned for the next one :)

    ~Tamara Reynolds 3rd period~

  24. The apple contour line drawing proved to be difficult for me until I learned how to make the apple even look like one.i believe I could have done better but to make it open you had to draw out of the box to make it a open drawing I used little shading on the apple because I see my shading technique horrible ~Franklin Fennell -period 4

  25. This project was really easy and simple. I enjoyed shading with pencil and making it look realistic. This project focused on open and closed composition. We made one drawing look like it was going off the paper while the other drawing was completely inside the lines. I enjoyed this project. - Amanda Faber

  26. this project was fun but i had many difficulties because the apples were bruised. but overall the composition of the apples were ok.

    billy crawford 4th period

    1. I used the view finder and positions of the apples on the table to complete this project. the shading on the apples were unique to each apple and was fun to interpret the angles of the stem and the core of the apples.

      billy crawford 4th period

  27. This was a fun project. I used the viewfinder to help the elements of design such as shape and value. The shading on the apples was the main focus of my project.
    -Anthony Farkas

  28. This project was a lot of fun. I learned a lot about shading and perspective. I would want to do this project again.

  29. The apple project was a fun project. It helped improve my skills with the elements of art such as shape, form, value and line drawing. I had little to no difficulty with this project and I enjoyed it
    -Joe Calo p.6

  30. the apple project was a difficult but interesting project that used many types of elements of art such as value shape and form. the project took me a couple of days but i feel i did pretty good on it
    -Lorenzo Hernandez pd6

  31. This project was kind of hard because my apple kept turning out to look like cherries. Then i did my final and it turned out to look like apples and the shading made it look way better and.the.contor lines was blend in.
    ~Lania 6th period

  32. The apple project was difficult at first but after awhile i started shading the correct way and use value to improve it. This project didn't take long as long as i stayed on task.
    Travis P.6

  33. The apple project was a bit of a challenge since my apples kept turning out to look like oranges, but this project did help me improve with different elements of art such as shading and perspective.

    ─Ariel Sangster

  34. The apple project was a hard but fun project. It helped me learn the elements of art which are value, shape, line, color, texture, space, and form. I really enjoyed doing the project.
    Ashley Batson 6th period

  35. The apples were difficult to outline and find where the light directly hit the apple. Overall the project was fun and simple; definitely a good practice.
    -Melissa Oberlander

  36. I liked this project because I'm so used to closed composition; experimenting with different perspectives and with open compositions was neat. I hope we can do something like this again. -Aida Torres

  37. This was a fun and enjoyable project. I had trouble with drawing the apples but the shading was my favorite part. It was kind of difficult to shade at first but I got the hang of it and enjoyed it. Shelby Smiler 4th period

  38. The project was fun. All the places of shading and the unique lines and curves made the project a little hard. But it was cool, none of the apples were alike so they were all unique to draw. The open and closed composition perspective were new to me also, i've seen them in famous art, but i've never done it. It gave me a new way to make art, for my amazing teacher Mr. Flint.
    -Chase Pavlick
    -Period 4
