Monday, September 8, 2014

Open Composition

Mr. Flint
Drawing I & II


You will learn about open composition. In open compositions shapes appear to be running off the edges and sides of the picture plane. This creates the sense that the work extends beyond the edges or boundaries of the picture which allows for more active eye movement. 


  1. Apples
  2. Pencil
  3. Paper
  4. View Finder
  5. Drawing Paper
  6. Ruler
  7. a steady hand

  1. Each student will be given a sheet of drawing paper, and a ruler. 
  2. Each student will measure two 5 inch x 5 inch squares on their drawing paper.

3. Each student will be given a view finder to crop down the apples placed in the middle of the table.

4. The student will draw the apples so they extend the square of the view finder.

5. Each student will move the view finder so they will have a different perspective for their second square.

the Common Core State Standards of:

Social Studies: SS.912.H: Humanities